After a long and arduous wait, Verizon has finally announced availability and pricing of its own Galaxy Nexus variant. Eager Galaxy Nexus shoppers will be able to get the smartphone either in Verizon Wireless stores or online tomorrow, December 15th, for $299 on two year contract or $650 off contract. Online ordering will begin at 1:00 AM eastern time on the 15th as well.

Details about the Verizon LTE enabled variant remain the same as what we've known before, and comes with 32 GB of NAND as opposed to the 16 GB GSM variant we've seen abroad and are working on reviewing now. As suspected, we've also learned that the LTE enabled Galaxy Nexus on Verizon uses the same combination of basebands as the Droid Charge, a Samsung CMC221 for LTE and Via Telecom 7.1 for 1x/EVDO. 

Source: Verizon

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  • rruscio - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    Too much. No thanks. 7" tablets have spoiled me on the virtues of tiny touch screens.

    These things are dinosaurs waiting to happen.
  • mcnabney - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    Yes, because people will stop talking on the phone soon and pocket sizes are expected to triple?
  • jaydee - Thursday, December 15, 2011 - link

    "dumb"phone + tablet > smartphone.

    Once you use a 7-10" tablet, it's tough for a lot of people to go back to the 3-4" screen for any extended period of time.
  • retrospooty - Friday, December 16, 2011 - link

    Yet these Android phones with 4-4.3 inch screens are selling in the 10's of millions. It has one major advantage that will always be there... It fits in your pocket. that alone will make it worthwhile.

    With that said, if I were a chick, and carried a purse anyways, I would definitely use a larger device... Since I have to carry something already.
  • sprockkets - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    Why not just get the $700 version on newegg that has 2G, 3G and 700mhz LTE? That should work most everywhere now, T-Mob and Att and perhaps Verizon. OK so ya kinda need the old stuff for verizon...
  • Brian Klug - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    Newegg is very, very confused, sadly.

    You can go browse the AOSP radio code yourself, and there are two variants - one with Intel/Infineon XG626 (same as the SGS2) which is the pentaband WCDMA variant, and another with Via 7.1 and CMC221.

    Here's the exact page:

  • sprockkets - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link


    Even GSM Arena lists LTE700mhz for the pentaband phone.
  • EnerJi - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    I'm not the original responder, but basically it means that those retailers are, um, confused. There are two different versions of the Galaxy Nexus: one that supports WCDMA (GSM, HSPA+, etc.) and one that supports IS-95 (Verizon's CDMA, EV-DO, etc.) and LTE.

    Unfortunately, we have to choose between the two. Personally, I'm waiting for the unlocked HSPA+ version to show up at a reasonable price (for me that's ~$550) as I value the global roaming capabilities.
  • sigmatau - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    Samsung really needs to figure out that they are really pissing people off by telling us the release date hours before the phone goes on sale. This happened to me with the AT&T GS2 and it seems to be worse with this phone.

    I have been browsing articles and keep seeing stuff like "... is this the release date of the Nexus..". These are headlines to news articles. I don't see why it's so hard to let the consumer know a couple of weeks in advance, if not a month or more, the official release date.

    Maybe Samsung just can't keep up with the demand? Hopefully they will address this. I stopped blaming the carriers as it appears to be the same phone maker that does this.
  • EnerJi - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - link

    Probably one more thing they're trying to copy from Apple? Still, if they do that, they need to NOT have joint press conferences with Google teasing the phone 2+ months ahead of the actual launch. Piss-poor launch by Samsung, Verizon, and Google.

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