Earlier this year Seasonic launched its PRIME Titanium family of 80Plus Titanium-certified power supplies, which consisted of three models ranging from 650W to 850W. Meanwhile at this year's Computex, the company showcased its expanded PRIME family with two new models carrying the same 80Plus Titanium badge: one is a 600 W fanless PSU and another is a 1000 W model for high-end machines. The latter recently became available in the U.S., whereas the former yet has to reach the shelves.

Aimed at the market for ultra-efficient whisper-quiet systems, the Seasonic PRIME Fanless Titanium (SSR-600TL) power supply is rated for 600 W, complies with the ATX 12V v2.4 as well as EPS (presumably v2.92) specifications, and is equipped with two 4+4 CPU power connectors for 2P systems. Like many other high-end PSUs, the PRIME Fanless 600 W Titanium is modular and comes with flat cables. Speaking of modularity and cables, the Seasonic SSR-600TL has the same connectors as its slightly more powerful SSR-650TD brother, but located a bit differently. Meanwhile, the internal design of the fanless PSU looks like it has remained the same as that of the SSR-650TD (as best as I can tell seeing through the grill) but Seasonic had to install larger radiators to ensure more efficient passive cooling of the components that produce significant heat.

Seasonic PRIME Titanium Series Output Specifications (Rated @ 50 °C)
  SSR-600TL SSR-650TD SSR-750TD SSR-850TD SSR-1000TD
Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined
+3.3V 20 A (?) 100 W (?) 20 A 100 W 20 A 100 W 20 A 100 W 25 A 125 W
+12V ~50A ~600 W 54 A 648 W 62 A 744 W 70 A 840 83 A 996 W
-12V 0.3 A 3.6 W 0.3A 3.6 W 0.3A 3.6 W 0.3A 3.6 W 0.5A 6 W
+5Vsb 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W
Total Power 600 W 650 W 750 W 850 W 1000 W

As for connectivity in general, the PRIME Fanless 600 W Titanium has two 6+2-pin PCIe power connectors for graphics cards, six SATA power plugs, five Molex headers, and one Floppy connector.

Seasonic PRIME Fanless Titanium 600W PSU at Glance
Connector type Modular
ATX 24 Pin 1
EPS 4+4 Pin 2
PCI-E 6+2 Pin 2 (4)
Molex 5
Floppy 1
Fan -
Dimensions 170 x 150 x 86 mm

At the show, the Sesonic the PRIME Fanless 600 W Titanium powered a gaming system featuring Intel’s Core i7-7700K CPU, ASUS’ ROG Maximus IX Apex Z270 motherboard, as well as an ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1070 8 GB graphics card. While many enthusiasts these days are inclined to buy PSUs with wattage of 700 and beyond, 600 W is more than enough for mainstream gaming systems featuring similar configurations. Keeping in mind that Seasonic’s SSR-600TL is covered by the company’s 12-year warranty (just like other PRIME Titanium PSUs), it is evident that the power supply can handle high loads for prolonged amounts of time.

The Seasonic PRIME Fanless Titanium 600 W PSU is currently available in a few stores in Europe for €224 – €275 (according to Geizhals.at), depending on retailer and country. Apparently, one of the best fanless PSUs around is hard to get even despite its premium pricing and the fact that it is in mass production.

Related Reading:

Source: Seasonic

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  • lefty2 - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    Seasonic fanless PSU's previously suffered from an atrocious coil whine problem. I hope that they have solved it.
  • JoeyJoJo123 - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    This. Also hoping they can be mounted in different orientations besides only facing up.

    Alternative case layouts (like Silverstone uses often) has the PSU in different mounting positions than just the bottom/back of the case. See TJ08-E or FT02.

  • nagi603 - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    Yeah, after their first "gold" series that did not exhibit the whine, the "platinum" ones unfortunately came with this out of the box.I wish I could buy a few of the old 400W ones!
  • Martin84a - Sunday, June 11, 2017 - link

    You just brought back some nightmares. I was so disappointed when I got my 660 watt platinum and it suffered from massive coil whine. After a terrible RMA process where they forgot my case and I heard nothing from them after 6 weeks, I contacted them to hear what was up, and fortunately they upgraded my PSU to the 760 watt platinum. No coil whine and fanless under low load.
  • facw - Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - link

    I didn't have this issue with my SeaSonic SS-520FL2, and I'm glad it would have driven me insane. Don't remember reading about it in any of the reviews of the Seasonic unit or the rebranded Silverstone: http://www.anandtech.com/show/8193/silverstone-nig...
  • grrrgrrr - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    Humans will be on Mars in 12 years. Wish Seasonic would open a customer service branch there.
  • smilingcrow - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    In space aren't all power supplies silent?
  • Gothmoth - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    only when you want to run around in an astronaut suite all day....
  • dstarr3 - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    In space, no one can hear your coil whine.
  • JoeyJoJo123 - Friday, June 9, 2017 - link

    In space, no one can hear your 5000rpm Delta fans.

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