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  • Michael Bay - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Those external SSDs look nice, but the price is absolutely atrocious.
  • R3MF - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    this is the second sandisk 2tb ssd product announced at the start of computex.

    hopefully the start of a flood of 2tb announcments, in order that 1tb units lose their halo pricing.
  • nathanddrews - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Agreed. The delivery of 2TB consumer SSDs has been, quite literally, retarded. With 1TB models originally being at or above $1,000 and now down to $350-400 on a regular basis, it's really strange that there have been no 2TB models in the $700-1,000 range. Obviously the 1TB models sold well enough at that price to justify their continued production.

    Maybe it's a lack of OEM demand due to the heavy-handed push of cloud storage on consumer products? All I know is that the first 1TB SSDs started selling about 8 years ago. That's a **** eternity.
  • IceClaec - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Has it really been 8 years? The first one I knew of was from Foremay back in mid-2010, the earliest "consumer" model I remember is an OCZ drive from 2011 sometime. My memory is probably failing me though.
  • IceClaec - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Actually, I'll correct myself, earliest I could find was this:

    So 6 years from the first enterprise 1TB model. There probably just isn't enough demand in the consumer space for the 2TB models yet, especially since SSD's (unfortunately) still remain a novelty for most people outside of ultrabooks. There needs to be a bigger push for them in the desktop market I think.
  • MikeMurphy - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    They need to have a healthy profit margin on such a niche product.
  • fokka - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    i don't think we even had 1tb _hard drives_ 8 years ago, if we're talking about the 2,5" format.
  • philipma1957 - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Welcome news a 2tb ssd. Of course I want it just to break it open and use it as a boot drive.
    I have 1.2tb I want to have it on a ssd and have that as my only drive in some small form builds. 1000 is too much. The other day samsung had 500gb ssd and a 8gb stick of ram for 185 that is 740 for 2 tb and 32gb in ram.

    I would love a 2tb ssd in the 500 to 600 price range.
  • 3ogdy - Tuesday, June 2, 2015 - link

    Hopefully, these ones don't become read-only after a less-than-modest period of use(not even a year). It would be a shame, given the capacity. It would also be a shame for the company since, last I checked over there at SanDisk, the blame was on the customer. Bad products and bad customer service. Never again.
  • vnangia - Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - link

    I don't know if they've done anything to improve the standby power draw of the Ultra Fit, but the USB3-64GB device that I have is a battery killer. It makes my normally 8-hour+ MacBook Air battery life a 3-hour life if it's left plugged in, even unmounted. Standby time dropped from a week to under a day. Please ask if you do get a chance.

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