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  • Sivar - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Of course, I just ordered a 970 last week. <sigh>
  • Morawka - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    same here, i'll ask for a voucher and if they dont play ball, return it
  • bob stables - Thursday, March 19, 2015 - link

    you ain't getting one
  • bigboxes - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Me too. :(
  • bigboxes - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Update: Sent off a message to the seller requesting the code. Said it would be included when it shipped. Yay!
  • lembucat - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    Guys who I already bought gtx900 series before, get copy of Witcher 3 now on steam try your luck here
  • lembucat - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    Direct link here
  • az060693 - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    Same here haha. Already received the card though...
  • bob stables - Thursday, March 19, 2015 - link

    i just hacked you m8
  • poohbear - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    well u're entitled to Farcry4, AC Unity, or that racing game. I opted for Farcry4 and applied through Gigabyte online, they sent me a key via email in a few days after sending them the requested info (pic of receipt, Serial number, and some other stuff).
  • az060693 - Monday, March 16, 2015 - link

    I contacted tigerdirect customer support and they granted me the coupon code. Took 2 business days though.
  • bob stables - Thursday, March 19, 2015 - link

  • etrfl - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Hmmm, interesting they chose to have the coupon expire right before the release of the R9 300 series. I am on the fence about which way I am going to go. If the 390 is as much of a furnace as the 200 series than I am going to have to regrettably buy the 980.
  • nathanddrews - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    The timing is perfect, really. Lots of people (of those that buy dGPUs on the bleeding edge) on the fence right now waiting on 300-series. Get people locked in now with the promise of what is looking to be an excellent game - DRM-free to boot!
  • etrfl - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Oh I agree the timing is perfect for them. But, and this is just wild speculation here, seems they are a little scared of the 300 series. As much as I want the 300 series to succeed, I think it is going to be a bust. After using a 290 for the last couple of days, I am just stunned at the heat pouring out of that thing. I am not a fan of nVidia and their tactics but I don't care to have a giant heater in my office during the southern summers either.

    Either way, I will wait for price drops which will probably be more than the price of the game.
  • FlushedBubblyJock - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    I'm a huge fan of nVidia and their tactics.
    Nothing not to like.

    I'm not a huge fan of AMD and their tactics, which appear to formerly be whining and accusing PR fan ploys, then doing the same and much worse (all along before and after), and years long (drivers) failures denied and covered up industry wide, and no apologies for any of it, let alone most often corrections, as well as extended support lacking.
    Frankly it's horrifying how terribly one sided and biased their fans were for so long, thankfully it finally let up some.

    Definitely going for Witcher3 here, played both the priors and enjoyed them a lot.
  • etrfl - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    I am a fan boy of neither, I buy where my money is best spent. 290/290x are just like 470/480. Powerful, nuclear reactors. I never had driver problems with either but I know people who have had driver updates from nVidia stop their fans and blow up (figuratively) their 200 series cards. I also know people who have had terrible problems with AMD 7000 cards. However, one would be an idiot to believe nVidia's explanation of the 970 problem. That said, the card is still a great card but the company was just caught being deceitful like 99% of other companies who don't own up.

    And both games were awesome, 100%.
  • xthetenth - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    I too am a huge fan of getting lied to and getting games' performance sabotaged because it hurts the other guys more.

    I am a huge fan of nVidia drivers, which in the past five cards I have owned (all nVidia) have had obnoxious problems on two of those five, for a lofty rate of problem free funtimes of 60%, all while friends with AMD cards have no driver issues.

    I am a fan of being a customer of the company whose previous generation cards' performance has already tanked and hid an architectural time bomb in my card that will explode if not properly covered by drivers.

    I am a huge fan of being a company which has had multiple failures that have broken cards and or systems and has managed to totally avoid any lasting damage to their brand.

    But most of all I am a fan of being in a customer base with people who legitimately feel that way, and will cheerfully join with me in demonstrating why free market capitalism is folly and that better products are subordinate to branding.
  • stun - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    @FlushedBubblyJock: "years long (drivers) failures denied and covered up industry wide"

    I have owned and used both Radeon 4870 and 6870.
    I have not experienced any problem with the drivers.

    Can you please share us your experience instead of telling us "ghost stories"?
    Otherwise, you are just the same as those "fanbois" spouting biased nonsense.

    For most of us NON-fanbois, AMD cards deliver pretty good price-performance ratio.
    I am waiting to see how the R9 300 series cards perform.

    Then, I will decide whether to buy the Nvidia 900 series (or) the AMD R9 300 series.
  • tviceman - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Nvidia will release the 980 TI to counter the r9 300 series. The 980 should get a price cut around then.
  • Ammaross - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Wasn't the 300 series rumored to be announced in a couple weeks (thus actual purchase date maybe a month out from that)?

    Additionally, if the APU they just launched is any indicator, the 300 series will have significantly lower power consumption compared to the 200 series (which isn't a hard task by any means) and should come more in-line with the 900 series nVidia cards. Thus, the performance per dollar will be the wildcard yet to be determined.
  • FlushedBubblyJock - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    I thought I heard late April early May - or late May.
  • bob stables - Thursday, March 19, 2015 - link

  • Mr Perfect - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    I certainly respect the GOG code deal, hopefully they're still doing this when I actually need a card.
  • testbug00 - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    While I won't be buying any of NVidia's cards (new) this is a great bundle for one reason. It's DRM free. I hope Nvidia makes all future bundles DRM free forcing AMD to do that also.

    Getting rid of DRM is almost always good for the consumer.
  • CountDown_0 - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Ahem, Ryan, does the name "GTX 960" ring any bells?
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    Indeed it does.
  • stun - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - link

    Where is our GTX 960 review Ryan? :-P *wink wink*
  • nos024 - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - link

    with the 970GTX memory marketing bust, they should just offer it to every 970GTX owner also.
  • justaviking - Thursday, March 12, 2015 - link

    Slightly (but not completely) off-topic...

    Has anyone seen updates about an 8GB version of the 970 (or 980)?

    Back in December there was speculation, and people pushed back the availability guesses for March 2015. I can't find any recent news or even updated speculation.

    I do some renderings where >4GB would be advantageous.

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