Home after a month

by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/9/2005 12:18 AM EST
Comments Locked


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  • gnumantsc - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - link

    Anand I congratulate you on finally taking down the comments, I mean it takes away from the professionalism of the site with these lamers saying first post etc.

    I think it was a bad idea to begin with as some other sites have suffered the same fate as yours with some people being jackoffs in leaving comments just to look l337.
  • JoeS - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - link


    Here's a recent in-depth look at ATI's Xenos processor:

  • scooby - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - link

    1 week and it will have been a full Month since the article was started.

    I hope this means it is going to be one damn good article!!

    I'm happy to wait because the end result is going to be great.
  • kleinwl - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - link

    I wish people wouldn't abuse these comments sections.

    Anyway, I am wondering if Anand is given "roadmaps" from the major game developers (such as valve) so that we can predict what hardware will be required by half-life 3, etc.

    I for one am very interested in knowing how quickly (if at all) games will be developed for dual core (excepting UT, which from all comments seems to be on that path).

    My system is sliding to oblivion... and I am wondering what is the next game that will push it over the edge with it's recommended requirements?

    Ok vague question... but game roadmaps for system requirements would be cool/helpful.
  • Anonymous - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - link

    More! More! Give us more!
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    OTABEL---Open The Ass Before Eric Licks - OTABEL

    You fucking FAG!
  • shadi - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    For the good of this site, I think the comments section should be removed or at least moderated before letting anyone posts.
  • AT - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    First of all, I know Anand didn't make any of the posts in the comments section.

    Second of all, OTABEL is still a prick and a bitch. What part of "you can't demand anything from Anand" don't you understand? Many sites don't even tell you what they are working on and Anand is doing a service by keeping you update as to what's coming down the pipeline in the future.

    And you are going to use this as a conspiracy theory against AnandTech. I really wish Anand delays the article even more, so OTABEL fucking dies without reading it.

    You know what go ahead and spread the word, as it will further make you look like an asshole that you already are.

    And BTW, don't tell Anand what to do. This is his site, he is his own boss and he can do whatever he wants and whenever he wants. You are NOBODY to tell him to update the blog or publish the article.

    I guess assholes like you will never change.
  • I Drop Knowlegde - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    How old are people posting on this site? Some of these comments are quite childish and quite sad. Some of you all act as if this man owns you a Ps3/Xbox 360 analysis. He doesn't own you all anything. What he is doing is a service to public. In conclusion, If you dont have anything constructive to say don't leave a comment. If I was Anand I would cancel the article due to the behavior seen in the comments of his blogs.
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    You all are acting like 10year old kids here.
    What ya need to do is stick one finger up your ass and then stick in your mouth and SHUT THE FUCK UP!
  • ricleo2 - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    All very amusing. Please don't change a thing as this provides some comic relief here at work. Thank you.
  • OTABEL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    In your face MORONS!!!

    Ok, so nobody wins but at least freaking AT got his mouth shut.......

    Now Anand, why the crap waste time here when you could be working on the damn article, what are you doing now for example? We are all anticipating the article, and not even a damn update on the situation is a slap in the face to your visitors.

    What the hell is going on? Just tell us damn it! An update c'mon, is that really hard, instead of wasting your words typing about AT and I you should give an update, something worth reading.

    I'm starting to lose respect for this site, and I'll make sure to spread the info on how damn irresponsible this site is.

    THANK YOU........
  • Cliff - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    The last two posts have not been anand. Instead of requiring a login, prevent anyone from entering the email field as *@anandtech.com so the multiple personalities on here can't post as Anand.
  • AT - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    Yeah, I would greatly appreciate it if you can remove the comments as well.
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    His highness Anand says He might take down the comments section: I bow before you and humbly beg you to do just that.
  • t-toes - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    Hi. I'm new here to the forum and, of course, anxiously anticipating Anand's upcoming in-depth(and likely increasingly large in the undertaking) article on PS3 vs. XBOX 360/Cell vs. Xenon/RSX vs. Xenos, etc. I just hope most of you here can come to realize, as I have come to realize of myself, that there is something seriously wrong with us. I mean, somewhere along the line our development must have stalled when we were arguing about which comic hero would win in a fight & overly obsessed with childhood toys. I mean, hey, I can be honest, I want Microsoft to win...and spiderman could kick batman's butt any day of the week...and those Xbox 360s are so shiny and sleek, just like some hotwheels I used to have.
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    I, sometimes, wish I was not so intelligent with a full life that I had the time or the ignorance to give Anand rock star status.
  • AT - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    #44 tuz: You hit the nail right on the head. I don't understand what's up with people that think making money online is not alright. Anand probably works harder than majority of the people with "real" jobs, so he should get paid. It's his right. Just because you visit the site doesn't mean you can boss him around.

    You wouldn't go boss around the CEO of Wal-Mart or Bestbuy just because you buy at their store. The same theory applies to Anand.
  • tuz - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    Give Anand some respect. Yeah, he earns money through the site. BUT that doesn't give anyone the right to boss him around or be downright rude. Geez the guy just got back from being overseas for a month. Is it a problem for you that he earns money here? If so just stop visiting the site, problem solved.

    So what if he's getting paid for doing work for this site, it's his site and for all the work he's put in over the years, so he should be paid. It's not like anyone here is forced to pay $10 for access to these articles and YET they're more interesting and better quality than a lot of the rubbish you find in so-called PC magazines. If you had a website that you put countless hours of work into and was so successful you too would want to be earning money off of it.
  • viditor - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    G'day Anand!

    Welcome home and I hope you are well rested (I know "The Way of the Road Warrior" and you have my deepest empathy).

    I'm not sure the best place to post this, but I was wondering if you could introduce an area (in the forum?) for us to list reviews we would like to see...maybe with a poll?

    Just a thought...welcome home!
  • Xboxer - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - link

    regarding #41:
    im anticipating the article from a hardware perspective...we know a lot more about the hardware of the two systems now...we also have some arguments from MS which feels that games are not the CELL's forte...they feel it's good as a streaming processor...we know a bit more about the graphics processors of the two systems...so I guess the analysis this time would be more complete...basically this time it'll be an analysis of MS's claims...let's see how that turns out...
  • Furangon - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link

    Wouldnt this be enough for you guys to be convinced that the ps3 is better than the xbox360? he said so himself from a previous blog entry.
    Tell me what you guys think of it:

  • AT - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link

    #39 Cliff: I definitely agree with you. Posts 36 and 37 both go in favor of OTABEL. I get the feeling that it's OTABEL; he probably got tired about the bashing people gave him.

    I sort of feel sorry for OTABEL. Bye-Bye cry baby...
  • Cliff - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link


    I think a login should be required to post here...we can't tell who is posting. The last post seems fake to me, since it was only 10 minutes after the previous post and i have never seen you directly mention someone in a post.
  • andrew - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link

    if you made the xbox360 vs ps3 a premium article you would be filthy rich now im sure:) Because your article will be the definitive one, for me at least, how much will your article be influenced by the fact
    that it will have a large impact on sales of either console.. I mean if the xbox360 was clearly superior , e.g the gpu, would you hesistate to say this in your article,

  • Rooney - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link

    What's going on with the attacks on OTABEL??? He's right if you actually think about it, if you actually read what he types.

    I'm just hoping to see that article and I think OTABEL can pressure Anand, is not like he's putting a gun to his head, Anand also needs no help from you, i'm sure he's man enough to defend himself, you make him look bad.

    Please Anand, can you give us an update on the article? What are your first impressions?
  • Majorettes Mission for the Furtherment of Teenboy Evolution - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link

    OTABEL, Pinkus777, Furango:

    Hee hee hee: Hi there boys (you can smell the testosterone fuelled teen angst steaming from their fetid bedroom bolt-holes from here!).

    Some coy advice here from the Majorettes Mission for the Furtherment of Teenboy Evolution.

    Debbi says: Have a shower & brush your teeth.

    Susi-bel adds: Don't forget your genitalia. (Susi, they rarely do.)

    Marylou wants you to know: Even etiolated scrawny, grown in the dark geeks like you don't have to frighten the girls if you remember to squash your zits and get mum to buy you baggies to disguise the Belsen chic physique.

    Dr Analgesic says: If you are over the age of 15 please call this helpline immediately - 0 800-lost cause
  • OTABEL's Father - Monday, June 13, 2005 - link

    OTABEL, stop posting. Ever. Again.
  • JoeS - Sunday, June 12, 2005 - link

    “The PS3 does appear to have a huge amount of CPU power with the seven Cell cores. The problem they have is that CPU power isn’t really what developer’s need – the bottleneck is really the graphics."-http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2005/06/10/richard_hu...

    The ATI tech seems to be overlooking the fact that the Cell processor is itself an extremely powerful graphics processor, many of the E3 demos were done exclusively on the cell and Sony initially wanted to go without the RSX and use multiple Cells. The ATI tech is partially right, the Sony PS3 MIGHT be more powerful, but the big question is whether programmers will be able to tame the seven cores.

    The only plus for Sony so far are the positive endorsements from software developers Epic Games (http://biz.gamedaily.com/features.asp?article_id=9... and Factor 5 (http://news.com.com/2100-1043_3-5712174.html)

    My take is that the PS3 may be as easy as the X360 to port/program games to if they are within the same detail range, but taking the PS3 to the level Sony is demonstrating in Fight Night 3 and Killzone 2 will mean a lot of extra programming that many developers may not feel is cost effective. As Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima states in his analogy, the PS3 may be able to serve up a much finer meal than the X360, but it would be a much greater time between such meals.(http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=...
  • hohoho - Sunday, June 12, 2005 - link

    heh, now we have ati developer relation guy saying 360 is faster better than ps3


    all these so called console war is just getting silly... from slightly technical to just about anything that has a sound or a word....

    it'll be parade days for fanboys, annoyances to neutrals and utterly counterproductive to gamers
  • knitecrow - Sunday, June 12, 2005 - link

    we should really have moderators in the comments section.

  • AT - Sunday, June 12, 2005 - link

    #28 OTABEL: Who the heck are you to pressure him on behalf of the 6 million readers that come to Anandtech every month. Are you their advocate? I seriously doubt that. And regardless of how you pay for Anandtech's articles (by viewing ads, which I know you don't) you still don't have the right to complain. Anandtech wouldn't get a dent in its earnings even if you left, so no you don't have the right to boss Anand and his staff around like you own them.

    You pay for the items at a grocery store, do you go around bossing them as well? I don't think so. And even if you do, it just goes on to show the old, ignorant bastard you really are.

    Just because you pay for something doesn't mean you own it, and it doesn't give you the right to pressure anyone. You can voice your opinion here, and let your stupid and moronic voice be heard BUT that doesn't work everytime. Have you ever tried to boss around your cable company, phone company, ISP etc. etc?

    Regardless, you certainly have the nerves to be so rude and ask for the update like you own this site. Get lost you fucking retard, no one wants you on this site you low life freak of nature. You are probably the god's worst mistake. Was your mom a hoar who fucked around with 10 different men before she had you because it looks like you are pretty screwed up?

    You old scumbag...
  • ASDF - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link

    Attention fool #28 AKA OTABEL

    Please tell the rest of us exactly how much you paid for Anand's reviews. Oh thats right, you paid nothing. Anand & his staff put up quality articles without ever taking a single penny directly from us readers. Sure there's ads that you don't want to see & you can even ad block them if you so desire. Again, please be honest & let us know how & when Anand has ripped you off as I know all of us would love to hear about it.

    As for why him & the rest of the staff is delayed, lets go to the "Computex 2005 - Looking Ahead" article http://anandtech.com/tradeshows/showdoc.aspx?i=244...
    "We apologize for the delays in this final coverage, but all five staff members who went to Taiwan with AnandTech brought home an unexpected present - the flu. Even Anand didn't escape the virus - he was first in Taiwan, caught it first, and was the first to recover. A fever and aching all over is no fun at all, particularly when it is 90 degrees outside. Everyone seems to be recovering, so we thought that you might enjoy our final farewell to Computex 2005 and a look at some directions that the show has charted for the next computer year. "

    There you have it. Anand is human too & gets sick just like the rest of us.
  • OTABEL - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link

    #23 Moron AKA AT.

    Yeah, so Anand was in meetings all freaking day, and he knew he was going to be busy like I said, and he KNEW he wasn't going to be done with the article, he messed up no matter what you say. And yes, we are not paying for this site, but Anand doesn't do all this crap for free, he gets paid and without us, the visitors of this site, he wouldn't have this site, nor money.......at least not as much money doing what he's doing.

    I DO have the right to pressure him then, but I already gave an explanation as to why i'm pressuring him.

    Of course, you got jealous, it's quite obvious you are one sick bastard, I wouldn't be surprised if you have a picture of him, or better yet, a doctored picture of him naked with a little help from Photoshop. "You don't own AnandTech, Anand doesn't work for you"--You could have just said, "he is my man!!!" but the truth is, I'm not on your side, and I'm sure Anand is also not there, so find your man somewhere else.

    You don't know what I do and how much I do, so please stop bitching, you sound like a little girl.


    So yeah, Anand, what's going, what's the update? Still working on it? What percentage of completion do you think you are at? Thanks, I'm still waiting.......
  • cryptonomicon - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link

    anand for president.
  • Cliff - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link

    whew...if i had read the previous comments before i posted, i might have refrained. I haven't checked the blog's comments in well over four months...it used to be a place for intelligent discussion and respectful suggestions but seems to have gone the way of the news comments.
  • Cliff - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link


    With the claim of laptop sales overtaking desktops, Apple going to x86 and having the performance of Pentium M, and IBM selling out to Lenovo...how about a Laptop roundup review? I bought an IBM just over a year ago and i'm pretty biased toward them, but would love to see an article comparing all of the manufacturers, esp when Apple starts shipping x86 laptops. The Linux article about the desktop P-M was interesting...any new insights there? Thanks for all the hard work.
  • Kalessian - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link

    Isn't it great to be home? rofl

    I'm with you, hohoho.
  • AT - Saturday, June 11, 2005 - link

    #20 OTABEL: You shut the fuck off, bitch. Don't talk about irresponsibility. You don't own AnandTech and Anand does not work for you, so you have no right to pressure him or anything of that sort. He will publish the article whenever he is ready. Let's not forget that he was in meetings from day morning till night and working constantly on the articles from Taiwan.

    You are in no position to compare yourself to him. You definitely don't do as much work as Anand.

    Now go to hell, you motherfucking bitch.
  • theubergeek - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    OTABEL-igerant- It's kinda amazing how much you are bitching about something that is free. Do you even realize that PS3 won't be out until next spring, and will most likely undergo changes from the comparison that Anand is doing? If you don't like it, get the hell out. The people here don't need ungrateful assholes like you. Anand is a busy man. You travel your ass around the world for a month and expect to get stuff done. Try it once. Keep in mind he would have had to take all the equipment with him.

    Oh and by the way, I bow to this temple called "AnandTech." Live long and prosper \\//_
  • MDme - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    Hey guys, we all are anticipating the xbox360 vs ps3 article. but let's give Anand a break. I'm sure when the article does come out, it will be worth the wait. Don't forget, the guy's sick too.

    Get well soon Anand.

  • OTABEL - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    AT, fuck off man, I don't care if you are in love with Anand and if he's your "lord" or whatever you want to call him.

    A LONG TIME AGO, he said he would have the article for the next day after letting us know he was working on it, not having the article for what? Almost a month now? He KNEW he was going to be busy, what he's doing is just being irresponsible.

    I'm sure he cares about having visitors or else this site would go to hell, don't be stupid.

    As for Anand, well man, you have to be a little more responsible in that respect, why tell us a date you are sure NOT going to meet? Why not just tell us you are working on a 360 and PS3 article that will be ready "when it's done" like some major game developers have said it, that way there's no dissapointments, there's a lot less pressure, I'm hoping to see the article, it's good to know you are working on it, AT LEAST you gave us an update on the situation.

  • n yusef - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    Anand, do you think it would be possible to get one of Apple's Intel devkits and compare it to your IBM G5 system? That could be a follow up to the recent PPC vs. x86 article, compairing PPC and x86 performance under OSX.

    Thanks, Yusef
  • hohoho - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    some very angry ppl here....
  • avatar28 - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    #13: Okay, AT. You're freaking me out a bit.

    #16: Interesting way of looking at it, x. I hadn't thought of it that way, but in a way, you're right. Anand, Tom, Kyle and several others ARE sort of our equivalent of rock stars. Or perhaps more accurately TV news anchors.
  • x - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    Must be weird to be a rock star in the world of hardware geeks.
  • OzzFan - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    I can't believe all the bickering! You guys sound like a bunch of little kids fighting over your parents affection (i.e. who Anand cares about more).

    If you can't wait for something, then move along. That is your choice. Saying that you could get it done means nothing to Anand because we're all in different situations and know nothing about the others' predicaments. Trying to pressure or demand something out of someone by making idle threats surely isn't the smart way of doing things. That's the same type of people that walk into a store and expect every employee to bend over backwards for your patronage, and if they don't, you promise never to return (only to show up the next day).

    Grow up and stop acting like babies. If you feel that unloved, go to a freaking councelor. No amount of bullying to any human being is going to make you feel better - and every human being should not bend over to your whims just because you're a customer of sorts. Get help quick.

    Ok, I'm off my soap-box now. Take your time Anand, I'd rather have it done thoroughly than rushed and poor quality. Personally, I'm not looking forward to the article, but in my free time I enjoy reading most of the stuff on your site, so I'm sure it'll be informative.


  • kensei - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    Anand, while at WWDC, did you stop by and visit your new homie at Google?
  • AT - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    I love Anand he is the best. If our Lord Anand wants us to wait, wait we shall. If he can not do more than one thing at once, who can blame him, for he is the Lord, and we but his minions, he blesses us with powers he himself does not have, what humility and compassion

    Praise Anand
  • avatar28 - Friday, June 10, 2005 - link

    Bye Pinkus. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    I want the article as bad as the next guy. But it's not my site, it's Anand's. He assures us that it's still on the way. And if we have to wait just a little bit longer to get a better written, more informative article, then so be it.
  • Pinkus777 - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    Welcome Back. Now how about that Damn X360 vs PS3 article? I travel all but one week a month and have been it for 9 years now, but I still get my reports written. I demand the X360 vs PS3 article now or I will stop coming to this site.
  • Furango - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    AT: Now that was a mean attack you did on OTABEL. What is your problem!? You have a problem yourself. Take care of it by getting off of this site and not coming back. You jackass.

    ... I guess he doesnt care about you...
  • AT - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    OTABEL #4: Please stop your useless bullshit. Anand has been traveling for the past month, so why don't you show him some courtesy? You can't possibly write the same amount of articles or work as hard as Anand has done thus far. If you are losing patience with this site then why the hell are you reading it? Just get lost, nobody wants your lazy ass around here anyways.

    I am sure Anand cares about his visitors, but he probably doesn't care about jackasses such as yourself.
  • Jon - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    You didn't stay for the Apple campus bash?! That's one of the best parts of WWDC.

    I look forward to your WWDC article.
  • TheChefO - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    Thank you Anand for responding and letting us know what the status of the article is. I did not mean to come off as inconsiderate & I know you've been very busy the past month. I appreciate your hard work and look forward to the x360/ps3 piece.

    Thanks again - Take care.

  • knitecrow - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    What is wrong with you guys?

    The poor guy just got home and you guys are hounding him for an article. Be just a little considerate and patient.

  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    The Xbox/PS3 piece is coming, Derek and I are working on it together. The big announcement at WWDC and the crazy amount of traveling have forced me to switch schedules around a bit.

    I don't have a firm date yet but let me get settled in and I'll see about committing to something more final shortly.

    Take care,
  • OTABEL - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    I agree with TheChefO.

    What's going on? The delay has been huge, I bet you he hasn't worked on it for days. Just reply, are we ever going to see that article, yes or no, don't make us waste our time, i'm starting to lose anticipation and interest for this site, don't you care about your visitors???
  • TheChefO - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    Anand - Please tell us when we can anticipate the x360/ps3 in-depth article. Many of us are highly anticipating your technical analysis on this very debated issue.

    Quite honestly, you're voice is the only one I trust these days for technical analyis on the Internet.
  • AT - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    You know Anand will never let you know what he is driving. Tons of people on the blog have asked him this question, and he never replies. It's about time people stop asking that.
  • uncjigga - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link

    First! Welcome back man, take some time to rest before the next show.

    So are you looking forward to the Porsche Cayman? What are you driving these days anyway?

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