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  • DanNeely - Friday, September 20, 2019 - link

    Fail in place seems like it should be capable of being expanded to handle multiple die failures at the expense of gradual performance degradation instead. 512 dies should be enough to afford a raid/ecc option that can afford to lose more than 1 die at a time. And since flash dies - unlike disks - can't be replaced to rebuild the array after a die fails instead of running in degraded integrity indefinitely, by reducing the amount of spare area available by however many dies are lost.

    Decline of protection vs decline of performance should be a configurable option; but outside of cache roles or highly distributed systems preventing the drive from bricking itself and causing a temporary system outage at the cost of a slight reduction in write performance seems like it would generally be the better trade off.
  • DyneCorp - Saturday, September 21, 2019 - link

    Are you THE Dan Neely?
  • DanNeely - Sunday, September 22, 2019 - link

    I am a Dan Neely but It's a common name, you'll need to define what you mean by 'The Dan Neely'. If you're talking about any of the ones that show up on page 1 of Google results for my name; no those are all some of my doppelgangers not me.
  • alpha754293 - Monday, September 23, 2019 - link

    "(for other workloads, PCIe 4.0 x4 is fast enough to not be the bottleneck)."

    In my experience, the interface CAN be the bottleneck, but only from a theorectical perspective.

    I'm already running into the situation/scenario where between the host/client communication subsystem and the storage subsystem, there aren't enough PCIe 3.0/4.0 lanes because all of it can be consumed/accounted for in order to keep the data feed coming.

    I'm still working on verifying a testing methodology to benchmark and test the interaction between high speed network communications and high speed data storage subsystems in order to maximise and improve the performance of both.
  • tmr.sofyan - Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - link

    flagships are great all the time,

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