Quake III Arena Performance- Quaver


In the Quaver benchmark we see the real benefits of using the 5.16 drivers with a 32 MB GeForce. Due to the S3TC compression use, Quaver no longer dominates and destroys cards with less than 64 MB of RAM. Now the complex textures and scenes that must be stored in the RAM are able to be fit into the local card RAM as opposed to having to travel to the system memory via the slow AGP memory bus. With the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR at stock speed, the card performed 25% slower than the GeForce 2 GTS when at the common resolution of 1024x768x32. Once again, this speed margin dropped when the card was overclocked, resulting in a card that was only 4% slower than the GeForce 2 GTS running at stock speed.

At 1280x1024x32, a resolution that the GeForce 2 GTS can usually handle, the Outrageous Ultra GeForce DDR performed 26% slower than the GeForce 2 GTS. When overclocked the card proved to perform within 1.4 FPS of the GeForce 2 GTS, a margin of only 3% slower.

Quake III Arena Performance- demo001 Unreal Tournament Performance
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