SRS WOW & Sound Features

Although we have never really been fond of integrated speakers, the speakers on the LWX-30-AMS are actually quite good in the mid to high ranges. We were not expecting much from the 2x5W setup on the unit; these are certainly not speakers to replace your home or PC audio setup. As with most small speakers, there is virtually no bass, and what little bass there is, it was mostly washed out by ambient noise in the lab.

Albatron attempts to compensate for this issue with an SRS WOW Processor. WOW essentially modifies the incoming signal in a manner that dynamically provides for a wider sounding audio spectrum. Even though the technology is just starting to show up in LCDs, we have seen it here and there in DVD players and home theater units over the last few years. SRS Labs' WOW processor is not a technology marvel, but it does its job and it does it well. There is considerably more punch when it is enabled, although we still believe it isn't enough to warrant throwing out your existing speakers or receiver.

One particular oddity with the LWX-30-AMS is that the WOW would turn off when the LCD was turned off. This could become particularly annoying to turn on every time the monitor turns on. Like with the Albatron L17AT, when the LCD is powered down, sound is not broadcast through the speakers either.

Our monitor also came with an undocumented sound feature: a high pitched whine. In most open areas, the whine would probably not be noticed; however, at distances less than 6 feet, we could easily distinguish the whine over background noise. Potential buyers with more sensitive hearing may find this particularly annoying.

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  • Koing - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - link

    LCD's look alright for 30"range but I am not a fan of LCD's for tv usage.

    Plasma's look MUCH better to my eyes for tv usage.

    The screen only running 1024x768 is pretty useless imo. Wasting all of that native screen resolution. Someone at the design should be shot! But good to get more lcd's on the market to drive the price down.

    Hey any reason why pc lcd's are not as bright or they don't have to be?

    I know my 12" Sony laptop lcd is bright enough at max for me. Same with my 23" monitor is very bright at max.

  • Shalmanese - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - link

    Samsung Australia has a 0 dead pixel policy for their LCD's about 21" IIRC. I dont know about Samsung US.
  • pcpimp - Monday, March 8, 2004 - link

    I am saving my pennies for a LCOS or DLP tv. Never liked lcds and never owned one. They still cant solve the dead pixel problem, which I find unacceptable.
  • Shalmanese - Monday, March 8, 2004 - link

    cant you use powerstrip or something to force a 1280x1024 image?

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