Hercules Dynamite TNT2

by Mike Andrawes on July 24, 1999 10:21 PM EST


The performance of the Hercules Dynamite TNT2 is virtually identical to that of other TNT2 cards out there at the same clock speed. So instead of publishing the same benchmarks over again, we encourage you to check out the Dynamite TNT2 Ultra Review, our original NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Review, and the latest July 1999 TNT2 Roundup. Just remember that the Dynamite TNT2 is clocked at a default of 145/170 and our sample was able to hit 190/190.

Final Words

At $149.99 for a 16MB model, the Dynamite TNT2 offers near TNT2 Ultra speeds at standard TNT2 prices. Thanks to Hercules careful construction, 6ns SDRAM, quality heatsink/fan, and HercuMeter overclocking utility, this card can probably be pushed even further.


The 32MB model, at $199.99, is not as good of a value. Although you get TNT2 Ultra speeds, and just as much RAM as most TNT2 Ultras, you're paying almost the same price as the genuine artifact. For just $30 more, you can get Hercules' own TNT2 Ultra, guaranteed at 175/200 operation, with higher quality RAM (5.5ns) and a better heatsink.

Overall, Hercules has done another quality job with the Dynamite TNT2. They applied the same techniques that earned them an Editor's Choice for the Dynamite TNT2 Ultra and it has served them well. The 16MB Dynamite TNT2 is the best value in a TNT2 card currently available, and for that, Hercules has garnered another Editor's Choice from AnandTech. The only question that remains is whether Hercules can keep up with the demand.

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