A week ago Samsung acknowledged the existence of the read performance bug in the SSD 840 EVO and I just received a note that the fixed firmware is in validation process and is expected to be released to the public on October 15th. Unfortunately I don't have any further details about the bug or the fix at this point, or whether the update is coming to the 'vanilla' SSD 840 and OEM models, but I hope to get more details as the public release gets closer, so stay tuned.

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  • Per Hansson - Monday, October 6, 2014 - link

    It affects the "vanilla" 840 too
  • Zer0-G - Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - link

    Fix is out http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconduct...
  • gireal - Friday, October 17, 2014 - link

    This utility only works for the 840 Evo. It does not work for the 840, which also has this flaw and Samsung appears to want to ignore it completely.
  • kgh00007 - Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - link

    No sign of anything yet!
  • kgh00007 - Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - link

    Oops, I was checking through Samsung Magician!!
  • marcle - Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - link

    I downloaded and ran the "restoration" software on my 250G 840 EVO (only a month old). It seemed to work fine, but then my SSD wasn't showing any signs of poor read performance. However, after the update, Samsung Magician completely misreports the usage on that disk -- says 150G used, where Windows Explorer reports a more reasonable 54G used.
  • zhenya00 - Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - link

    Updated the first of my drives today. Was pretty straightforward.

    It does seem to have improved the benchmarked performance somewhat, but it's not as good as the drive was after refreshing with diskfresh just a month ago (although performance had already dropped precipitously after just one month) and just a fraction of what it benchmarked at when new, at least at the smaller block sizes.

    I'm benchmarking with ATTO Bench32 as it's a tool I've used for a long time so I have a history to compare it to. Not impressed Samsung.
  • AbRASiON - Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - link

    Posting this in the hope others find this post.

    I can confirm after doing a FULL DISK BACKUP in "sector by sector" mode using Acronis True Image 2015 and using the same SSD I had in previously, unfortunately the PS4 still picks up that a partition change / adjustment has occurred and insists on re-initialising the PS4 from scratch, as if it's a new HDD, so you can't restore your data / saves / downloads, unless you have them "up in the cloud" so to speak

    Oh well, I guess I'm formatting my PS4 for the afternoon. I do have some benchmarks of "before" the firmware update regardless, so I'll post the differences.
    (I'm using a Samsung 840 Evo 1TB in mine)
  • AbRASiON - Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - link

    First boot it detected weird and wanted me to initialise the PS4 again. I put in the USB key to re-initialise (/ps4/update/ps4update.pup) but when I hit X it just shut down?
    Next boot - full boot of the PS4, with all apps / data etc, so the bit for bit copy worked.

    Improvement was most noticable on the most disk intensive load.
    KZ Shadowfall continue campaign.
    Went from 44 seconds load time, to 33 seconds load time, my save / data files were from launch so around 11 months old.
    Good news I guess!
  • mercutio - Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - link

    When is fix coming for the non-evo samsung 840s?

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