Closing Thoughts

As we mentioned at the outset, it's been over a year since we first looked at Dell's XPS M1710. While plenty of things have changed during the past year, our overall impression of the notebook hasn't been altered much. Maximum performance is now better than ever, and the notebook certainly has an eye-catching design. By no means is it an inexpensive notebook, but for those looking to get maximum performance while maintaining mobility Dell's XPS notebook line certainly warrants a closer look.

About the biggest fault that we can find with the XPS M1710 is something that's out of Dell's hands. The GeForce Go 7900 GTX launched over a year ago, and more than six months ago the GeForce Go 7950 GTX improved performance. In the desktop market, however, GeForce 7 series hardware is now old news. If you like to stay abreast of the latest technology news, you probably already know that NVIDIA's going to be launching their mobile GeForce 8000 GPUs very shortly. Unfortunately, as yet there is no successor to the GeForce Go 7950 GTX performance crown. Soon you will be able to get DirectX 10 equipped laptops, but at best we expect the graphics performance to match or slightly surpass that of the GeForce Go 7900 GS - just like the desktop 8600 GTS isn't always faster than the 7900 GS, we expect the mobile equivalents will trade blows up with no clear winner. We still don't have any DirectX 10 games to play, but every day that passes brings such games nearer to release and we would be very hesitant to lay down a lot of money right now on a gaming laptop that won't be able to run those games in all their glory once they become available.

With Dell able to offer an overclocking capable Core 2 Duo laptop, we also have to wonder when Core 2 Quad chips will begin showing up in a mobile form factor. Obviously, we're not going to see 2.93 GHz QX6800 equivalents anytime soon, but some users would certainly be willing to give up a few hundred megahertz in clock speed in order to add more processor cores. Perhaps when Intel begins shipping 45 nm processors we will start to see quad core notebooks. Just like quad core desktops, however, that sort of performance isn't something that many people need right now.

Since the overclocked M1710 that we tested today has been available for a while, it stands to reason that if you didn't want to buy it when it was first launched you probably still aren't interested. You can now get a larger hard drive, Windows Vista, Blu-ray, and who knows what Dell will add in the near future; however, at its core the M1710 remains largely unchanged. It is an attractive, fast, and expensive laptop; the only tests where it didn't come out on the top of our charts are the battery life results, which is a sacrifice that typically has to be made when looking at gaming laptops. If you're in the market for just such a laptop, give the XPS M1710 a look. As usual, however, if you're in no hurry to purchase something right now we would recommend waiting to see what the future holds. Whenever you finally decide it's time to buy, there's certain to be some worthwhile solutions available.

Comparative Performance - Battery Life
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  • Tommyguns - Friday, May 11, 2007 - link

    $4000 for a laptop to play games on?!
    Not trying to bash the artical, but whats the point of testing products if the actual market niche for such products is sooooo freaking small!?

    $2000, on a laptop is a lot of money. adding in the fact it needs to play games, do that many people really spend past 3k on one? let alone 4k+?

    If 10-20total fps in DX9 games is worth $2000, then someone let me know...

    Dell inspiron E1705 with a C2D T7200, 7900GS vid card, gig of ram, 9cell + 6cell battery, DVDRW, vista home pre., 17 inch UltraSharp Wide Screen UXGA Display, wireless N card,and a few other odds and ends can be had for $1875. Toss in one of the coupons available online, like the $500 off and its just shy of $1400 for a decently effective gaming laptop. is it the best buy? idont know, but the best well rounded one. also, the XPS 17inch laptop on dells site, with the same parts, retails for around $ yes, no coupon...but still.... I like dell, yet dislike them equaly as much.

    Thus, review a 7900gs dell offering so us poor people can see what an additional $1200+, really can do...Thanks... I would buy tommorow if i knew what all these machines did in terms of gpu power
  • JarredWalton - Friday, May 11, 2007 - link

    Part of the point of the article was to show that the added CPU speed did little to nothing for gaming, so if you're interested in a gaming laptop I'd recommend getting something like the XPS M1710 but sticking with a T7200 and just maxing out the GPU. You can do that for under $3000. Also remember that the configuration as tested has a $500 Blu-ray drive thrown in that many won't care about. So, cut down the CPU ($700) and the BRD ($500) and it's a lot more reasonable.
  • ziddey - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - link

    Hi, this is definitely an interesting article, but I was a little disappointed in how it was presented and the testing done on it. I hope to not offend, but if you still have the ability to retest further, here's some ideas.

    So we're talking about throttling. If that's the case, how hot is it getting? You can track coretemps of meroms. The popular rmclock can also show any form of throttling in log form as well, and also shows it in graphical format as well. It also features ability to manipulate some finer features of it, although of course, at your own risk.

    Further, I'm assuming this is only possible on upwards unlocked cpu's. In that event, could you just use something like crystal cpuid to change the multiplier?

    Most significantly, how about this: If temperatures are still in line (and based on the track record of conroes, I see no reason they shouldn't, as long as vcore is as low as merom's are), can you set to maximum overclock in bios, and then use rmclock to force maximum multiplier while on AC
  • Deusfaux - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - link

    either you're homeless or you have an excessive amount of money and a butler or i dont know what

    but for all the reasons that make a laptop advantageous over a desktop, you strip them all away by attempting to make it one of the gaming variety.

    ridiculous cost
    battery life
    hardly upgradeable

    I feel bad for the continual string of people who are convinced they can get all the benefits of a powerful desktop in a portable package (and not end up being inferior in every aspect)

    Get a laptop that has good portability, get a powerful desktop for gaming. dont try to do both in one.
  • araczynski - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - link

    sounds like its a nice laptop for 1280x800 gaming. curious what the screen looks like at that resolution, in comparison to the native resolution 'sharpness'. Does it scale very well or look as crappy as you'd expect the desktop to look at that resolution?
  • suryad - Thursday, May 10, 2007 - link

    More like 1920 x 1200 gaming all except for Stalker which I dont care for much anyway. I am getting this bad boy tomorrow or next week Monday. Can't wait. Worst part is the wait to receive it in your hands...hope i can last the weekend. Also the 3dmark scores area bit low...ntoebooforums people are reporting slightly higher scores...but anywho...super speed here I come!
  • kalrith - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - link

    The spec page on page 2 shows *q* every place that quotation marks should be.
  • Gary Key - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - link

    Fixed, sorry about that, we are on a new engine now, bugs still seem to pop up. ;)
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - link

    Heh... Gary's being nice to me. I screwed up my own table by reusing parts of an old article and forgetting to properly "convert" the generated HTML file into a clean format. That's what sleep deprivation will get you.
  • redfirebird15 - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - link

    Is it really possible to get thousands of FPS on Supreme Commander? I've never actually played it, but that looks like a typo. If that is correct, what is the difference between getting 500 FPS and 1000 FPS? I thought it was and RTS anyway.

    It must be a typo.

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