
With drives like the Inland Performance Plus, Phison's E18 controller has kept them in competition for the consumer SSD performance crown. The Inland Performance Plus is an extremely fast drive that sets a few new performance records, but more often it ends up tied or slightly slower than a competing PCIe 4.0 flagship SSD. The difference between this drive and other top PCIe 4.0 drives like the WD Black SN850 would not be noticeable during real-world usage, so the question of which one is fastest is more about bragging rights than tangible benefits.

Phison is the only company already on their second generation of PCIe 4.0 controllers, but they still have some room for improvement. The Inland Performance Plus consistently had high power consumption and poor efficiency during our testing. It's not completely out of line for a high-end drive that needs to prioritize performance over power efficiency, but the bar is being raised by the in-house controllers from several of the major NAND manufacturers. A second round of Phison E18-based products will be coming to market soon using Micron's 176L TLC rather than the current 96L TLC, and that should enable slightly improved performance and power efficiency. It might be enough to bump the new E18 drives into first place on more performance tests, and will definitely help keep this market segment highly competitive.

Our most difficult (and least realistic) tests revealed that the Inland Performance Plus and the Phison E18 controller and firmware also have some difficulties with performance consistency, for random read latency and for write performance where the SLC caching behavior occasionally leaves something to be desired. These aren't serious performance problems, but they are blemishes that we would prefer not to have on top-tier products. Firmware improvements may be able to help these issues, but a lot of the brands selling Phison drives aren't very good about making firmware updates available to end users.

PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD Prices
May 13, 2021
  480-512 GB 960 GB-1 TB 2 TB
Inland Performance Plus
Phison E18
  $189.99 (19¢/GB) $379.99 (19¢/GB)
Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus
Phison E18
  $199.98 (20¢/GB) $449.15 (22¢/GB)
Mushkin GAMMA
Phison E18
  $259.99 (26¢/GB) $499.99 (25¢/GB)
ADATA XPG Gammix S70
Innogrit IG5236
  $179.99 (18¢/GB) $349.99 (17¢/GB)
Samsung 980 PRO
Samsung Elpis
$119.99 (24¢/GB) $199.99 (20¢/GB) $399.99 (20¢/GB)
Sabrent Rocket 4.0
Phison E16
$89.98 (18¢/GB) $159.98 (16¢/GB) $399.99 (20¢/GB)
WD Black SN850
$128.74 (26¢/GB) $199.99 (20¢/GB) $399.99 (20¢/GB)
ADATA XPG Gammix S50 Lite
SM2267 (4ch)
  $139.99 (14¢/GB) $259.99 (13¢/GB)
PCIe 3.0 SSDs:
SK hynix Gold P31 $74.99 (15¢/GB) $134.99 (13¢/GB)  
Samsung 970 EVO Plus $89.99 (18¢/GB) $159.90 (16¢/GB) $299.99 (15¢/GB)
WD Black SN750 $69.99 (14¢/GB) $129.99 (13¢/GB) $309.99 (15¢/GB)

Micro Center's in store only pricing for the Inland Performance Plus makes it the cheapest Phison E18 drive on the market, though Sabrent's more widely available Rocket 4 Plus is only $10 more for the 1TB model. With the exception of the Inland, most of the E18 drives seem to be priced at or above where the other second-wave PCIe 4.0 flagships are. The cheapest of the new PCIe 4.0 flagships is ADATA's Gammix S70 using Innogrit's controller. The older Phison E16 drives with TLC NAND are starting to get harder to find, but some such as the Sabrent Rocket 4.0 are a good mid-point between the latest top of the line drives and mainstream PCIe 3.0 drives.

For consumers with access to Micro Center's in-store pricing, the Inland Performance Plus is a reasonable choice since it's a bit cheaper than the flagships from Samsung and WD—but keep in mind that Micro Center is only offering a three year warranty rather than the usual five. For everyone else who has to deal with the online prices on other brands' Phison E18 drives, going for the WD Black SN850 instead makes more sense, especially for the 2TB models. The WD Black has more consistent performance and substantially less heat output.

However, all of the high-end PCIe 4.0 drives still carry a very steep price premium over even the best PCIe 3.0 drives. Recent increases in retail SSD prices have affected mainstream models more than the premium PCIe 4.0 drives, but the price gap is going to remain pretty wide. Those more mainstream models still provide almost as much real-world performance and a wider range of capacity options. Until a more compelling use case for PCIe 4.0 performance shows up, saving $50-100 by sticking with PCIe 3.0 storage seems like a great way to deal with high prices on other PC components.

Mixed IO Performance and Idle Power Management
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  • Spunjji - Friday, May 14, 2021 - link

    Yes, that's why I said "most of us". I know there are use cases that benefit from them, but the majority of the time they don't apply to a majority of users.
  • jabber - Friday, May 14, 2021 - link

    Yeah you are correct, 'most users' do not notice and most don't need the speed but you will always get the one or two who, for some reason, choose to work with 8K video all day and think they are 'most users'.
  • James5mith - Thursday, May 13, 2021 - link

    Please add one of the new 5800x Optanes into the mix. I would like to see what Optane + PCIe4.0 can do as far as sustained performance.

    It's really sad that none of these drives can maintain performance except for the old 970 Pro and the Optane.
  • mode_13h - Thursday, May 13, 2021 - link

    > Please add one of the new 5800x Optanes into the mix.

    It would be amusing to see a 4.3M IOPS drive compared to consumer SSDs. However, the pricing on those things is pretty nuts. If such performance is worthwhile for you, you already know you want one.

    That said, I'm always interested in seeing cutting edge tech put to the test.
  • Tomatotech - Friday, May 14, 2021 - link

    > maintain performance

    Absolutely not needed for the average price-sensitive user. It’s like buying a 40-ton truck instead of an average family car. And the average family car will outperform the truck in acceleration, top speed, fuel economy, and ease of storage / parking.

    There’s many drives available for people who need 100% sustained performance or other industrial metrics and they’re going to cost a bit more.
  • DigitalFreak - Thursday, May 13, 2021 - link

    I'm waiting on DirectStorage before I upgrade.
  • mode_13h - Thursday, May 13, 2021 - link

  • RSAUser - Friday, May 14, 2021 - link

    Because there is no real-world gain for most people going from a normal PCIe 3 SSD to PCIe 4 SSD right now, they're within ms of each other.

    If DirectStorage starts taking off, it could maybe have a more noticeable impact in terms of texture loading, etc.
  • mode_13h - Saturday, May 15, 2021 - link

    I guess it also depends on what you're upgrading from.

    It amazes me how some people complain that it's not worth upgrading a CPU (for example), when they have one from the preceding generation! I'm like: well, join the crowd! Most of us keep hardware for *multiple* generations.

    So, I find it's also worth keeping in mind that people complaining that it's not worth upgrading might be bringing unrealistic expectations.
  • thestryker - Thursday, May 13, 2021 - link

    I'm not sure the feasibility, but I'd be really curious to see how the PCIe 4 SSD performance varies between AMD and Intel. I know some of Intel's nebulous marketing materials had suggested RKL was better than the Ryzen alternatives, and while I highly doubt that I haven't seen any reviewers test out the same drive on both platforms.

    I'd also like to second that dream that you'll be able to run a P5800X through the test suite.

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