Gateway M320XL: Upgrading and Maintenance

The bottom of the notebook has several access panels that can access the system's hard drive, mini-PCI slot, 2 x SODIMM slots, CPU, and CPU cooler.

The CPU is not mounted directly onto the motherboard; rather, it uses a socket design. In theory, it is upgradeable, but Gateway is only certifying this notebook for a maximum of 1.7GHz Pentium-M Dothan.735.

Click to enlarge.

Removing the keyboard is simple, first by using a flat head screwdriver to lift the small bezel out and away from the notebook first. After that, the upper bezel needs to be unscrewed and lifted up. Once that is complete, the keyboard can be lifted up and out.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Gateway M320XL: In the Field (cont.) HP/Compaq NC6000: Construction - Build, Appearance, Size
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  • rowcroft - Thursday, September 30, 2004 - link

    Great review- sad state of affairs when a 6 pound 1.4" thick laptop is considered mid-size though..... it's fine for machines that won't travel much but this trend of larger & thicker (read: Dell) is not for me.

  • manno - Thursday, September 30, 2004 - link

    Where the are the rest of the benchmarks comparing it to the P4, and Athlon 64 mobiles out there? No superpi, run half-life in software mode, or pull out your old dusty copy of quake 2 for that matter. I want to know if I should get a a64 based laptop, or a P-M based one, it's a good review to be sure, but could use a little fleshing out.
  • Abdulraheem - Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - link

    Can i install window 7 on Compaq nc6000

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