Zen and Vega: Ryzen PRO Mobile

In the second half of last year, AMD’s Enterprise, Embedded and Semi-Custom division (now the Enterprise and Embedded division) launched its Ryzen PRO family of desktop processors, for business customers that needed additional management capabilities. AMD has been making ‘Pro’ versions of its consumer processors for several generations now, usually mimicking the specifications of the consumer products aside from the management support.

These products, by and large, go up against Intel’s equivalent vPro processors, and AMD’s value add revolves around support for DASH, an open-source management protocol, TSME (transparent secure memory encryption), and its commitment to customer requests such as operating system image stability (18-months), guaranteed processor availability (24-months), manufacturing specifications designed for long-term reliability, and a commercial limited warranty (36-months). AMD also likes to tout that it offers a Pro product at the lower end of the market, where Intel does not have a vPro-enabled Core i3.

As part of the AMD Tech Day, it was announced that the Ryzen PRO Mobile family will be launched in Spring 2018. These components are, by and large, the Ryzen Mobile family of processors with Vega graphics but with the added Pro features listed above. For performance and power, AMD states similar sorts of numbers as it did with the launch of Ryzen Mobile: up to 270% better performance per watt, targeting 13 hours of useful battery life, 9 hours of HD video playback, and targeting a generation of sleek and powerful laptops, in this case focused for the Enterprise market.

So much like the Ryzen 7 2700U, the Ryzen 5 2500U, and the Ryzen 3 2300U, AMD will launch the Ryzen PRO Mobile equivalents:

We are likely to see OEMs that currently provide AMD A-Series PRO notebooks to offer updated versions with these new processors, as well as a series of new designs coming into the business and enterprise market.

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  • mikabr - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    What is the status of thunderbolt and AMD today? Can Apple or similar manufacturer take AMD parts and create something that does the same thing as a Macbook pro or iMac today, with thunderbolt ports that has the same functionality as todays Intel based offerings?
  • A5 - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    In theory, the TB controller is just a hunk of silicon hanging off the PCIe bus. But the fact that Intel is the only manufacturer is a probably an issue.
  • Space Jam - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    Maybe I haven't been paying attention but i've just started to notice how low quality images on this site actually are, though especially in this article. That image of Lisa Su looks like its from an early 2000s budget digital camera using digital zoom. Why are the slideshow caps horrendously compressed JPEGs?

    Get well soon Ian.
  • Ian Cutress - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    Click through for full resolution.
  • jjj - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    Vega on 7nm is likely very bad news if it's more than this SKU targeted at machine learning as it implies that Navi is very late and AMD stays utterly uncompetitive in GPU.
  • haukionkannel - Thursday, February 1, 2018 - link

    And if Vega7 is small chip. It may be used in self driving cars and other small for factor special cases where the price is not so big problem.
  • wr3zzz - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    Can mobile Ryzen go down to 4.5W TDP for fanless designs?
  • st_7 - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    @Ian Cutress. looks like a typo in this line "The Ryzen 5 2200U is the only dual core component in AMD’s entire Ryzen product line", I think it should be "The Ryzen 3 2200U".
    And also is there any information, if AMD planning to release mobile processors which can go against Intel HQ line of mobile/laptop processors, presuming that these 'U' processors are pitted against Intel 'U' processors. Or these 'U' processors from the AMD are the only mobile/laptop class processors that we gonna see from AMD in the next year or two.
  • jjj - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    - so few mobile SKUs, why no 45W SKUs, no 11CU SKUs
    - so few desktop APU SKUs and what do they have above 170$ and maybe bellow 100$
    - Vega on 7nm in 2019 while Navi also in 2019, area you certain that Navi+ is 2020 or is that an assumption, because if seems that if Vega on 7nm goes everywhere, Navi can't be 2019 and Naxi+ wouldn't be 2020
    - 7nm+ being a second gen 7nm is your assumption or AMD stated that. in theory could be what comes after 7nm so 5nm
    - where are the 150-250$ new gen GPUs, I get that they are too lazy to meet demand with the current ones but perf per $ is atrocious and they'll kill gaming at this pace
    - being surprise that Zen 2 is done is odd, AMD might have Epyc 2 on 7nm in late 2019 so ofc the core is done. And ofc , with that in mind, when you say Zen 2 2019, in consumer at least as server could be different
    - where is a Rave Ridge refresh in H2 this year? They really don't have one or
    - we don't care about efficiency gains with Pinnacle Ridge, we need higher clocks, better memory support, some minimal SoC level gains and maybe same cache changes but we really just need anything from 4.5GHz to 7GHz- where they land in that range defines how open our wallets are. OK we want more PCIe too and if they could support much faster memory, we would even take more then 8 cores.

    Anyway, this seems like a rather incomplete roadmap.
  • jjj - Monday, January 8, 2018 - link

    And why so few RR system and mostly 15 in and up

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